Friday, 7 August 2015

[TWICETAGRAM] Twice Members Update Their Instagram Showing Their Amazing Visuals

These past few days, 'Twice' have been showering fans with Instagram updates! I really feel like we are being spoiled! 
Check out the posts and translations below, and see if you can decide who the visual of the group is, because I sure can't!

"Today is Friday #TwiceTV is airing!! #Jihyo #Naeyeon #Dahyun #Jungyeon unnie and I will be coming out so don't forget and watch it ~ #Friday #TWice #Jihyo #naeyeon #dahyun #tzuyu #jungyeon #momo #sana #mina #chaeyoung #This_Is_so_nice #let's_go_to_mart #byTzuyu "

A photo posted by TWICE (@twicetagram) on
"Hello everyone it's Jihyo again! #Picturehere How did you like our sincere hand written letters! I went into 'Fan's' and saw that its hard to read I think my eyes are dry ㅋㅋIn the end I wasn't able to read the member's letters so I went to the practice room and read the physical copy of the lettersㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋNext time we will write big....sorry....But #will_you_say_you_were_moved Im listening to music and singing by myself and all the kids fell asleep...I guess my voice sounds like a lullaby ...this can't be! Twice lead singer is me...why...why is this happening everyone...please wake bored....look forward to today's Twice TV Ep. 4!"

"Hello everyone it's Jihyo again! #Picturehere How did you like our sincere hand written letters! I went into 'Fan's' and saw that its hard to read I think my eyes are dry ㅋㅋIn the end I wasn't able to read the member's letters so I went to the practice room and read the physical copy of the lettersㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋNext time we will write big....sorry....But #say_you_were_moved #please My love Momo Ring. Momoya I really like you. Even your hair bbong (roller/stuffing). The way you put your arm over my shoulder was so powerful <3 #Owl_and_Racoon #Twice #TWICE "


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